Che sia un vero matrimonio o solo un party a noi non interessa...per una notte diremo 'Si' !!
Quindi concentriamoci per essere perfetti in questo giorno speciale, impossibile da dimenticare se ci vestiremo tutti da sposi, sposini tradizionali oppure orientali, in stile hippy o country...l'importante è essere creativi e stravaganti come la nostra adorata festeggiata (o sposa?)
...ecco alcune immagini che possono ispirarti.
It doesn’t really matter if it’s a real wedding, or a wedding inspired dress code party:
My answers is always “yes”!
Having this fun wedding inspired party coming up, where everybody ( obviously) will be dressed up as brides, i like to advice my clients to care for the details in order to stick out from the crowd.
First question to ask yourself is ; what kind of bride do you want to be? A hippie bride? A country bride? An oriental inspired bride? Or do you rather just go classic and try to fit on your own old bride gown? All of this would work.
But, make sure to be as creative as the beloved hostess ( or shall I say bride?;) for the big night.
Here are a few images that I hope will come handy to help your inspiration start spinning.